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WM-Air: Clean Air Science for the West Midlands


Air pollution in the West Midlands affects some 2.8 million people, reducing average life expectancy by up to 6 months, and is responsible for direct and indirect economic costs of several hundred million pounds per year. Air quality is therefore a key priority for local and regional government, and for the health and wellbeing of the region’s population


WM-Air is supported by a £5m award from the NERC RISE (Regional Impact of Science of the Environment) programme to apply environmental science expertise in support of improved air quality and human health, working in partnership with over 20 organisations across the region.  The project, led by the University of Birmingham, spans air pollution measurements, modelling, health impact assessments, policy development, urban design and green infrastructure, applied through a series of case studies in collaboration with regional stakeholders.


Project partners include the West Midlands Combined Authority, TfWM, Birmingham and Coventry City Councils, other local authorities, HS2, the NHS, LEP, consultancies plus a number of private sector organisations and local businesses. 



For more info see the WM-Air Project Website

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